Art is like meditation for me. I draw immense pleasure and satisfaction when I play with colours. I wish I could become one of the colours on one of my favorite artworks to stay there forever. I think nothing could be more satisfying than pursuing your hobby. Creating something without words, something that speaks to people. Art is a language of its own. I feel happy and serene. In an ever-busy schedule, art is an escape from the constant chaos and pressure.
Radha Rani

Radha Rani
Radha Krishna is my favorite art subject. I somehow draw immense pleasure in portraying Radha Krishna figures. Here, radha ji is dreaming of Lord Krishna playing flute.
This is one of my ideas of the madam. It’s a pencil sketch on cream art paper A 4 size.

When I was young and I saw Warli paintings , I was'nt much impressed. It did not appeal to me as I thought its kind of a kid's art. I did not believe that this could be a form of art which is world famous and loved. Warli art was started by people of the Warli tribe, an ancient East Indian tribe.
I think Warli is a beautiful form of art and with simple illustrations it gives huge clues about the daily activities and life style of the ancient tribe.
The Warli painting style is close to the pre-historic cave paintings. It breaks the barrier of three dimensional rendering and the objects seldom overlap. It is interesting to see how a monochrome composition with rudimentary object forms like this can be so appealing.
Warli life style depicts traveling in bullock carts, applying cow dung on floors and walls, drawing water from wells, dancing, weaving carpets etc, women carrying pots / stacks of water containers on their heads etc.
Radha Krishna
Phases of Life
Indian Village Painting
Dancing Queen from Russia
Happy Family

I made this on paintbrush on my PC.
My idea of a happy family. Dancing ; celebrating ; sharing ; loving ; enjoying ... with your close ones. The red thread is the 'SPARK' which should be kept alive within. Normally, with age, the spark fades off... however, if we work towards it, we would definitely be able to keep it alive.